
Going Old School …

From time to time, it’s really cool when you go back and find reinforcement for things that you are doing or that may be on your mind. It’s the reason why I think various messages inside religious books are interesting because it was so long ago, but yet may still apply a great deal to […]

How Much Cardio Does It Take To Start Burning Muscle?

A popular question for sure. However, NO straight-forward answer exists as a number of factors interact that change the answer. I’m sure there is a fair share of guys out there who would answer ‘10 minutes’ and that is the reason why they don’t do cardio. I’ve heard it a number of times before. In […]

Research Summary – Cranky, Sad, Grumpy or Feeling Off: Exercise May Get You Back on Track

Sure, many people have joked around about this, and probably even more spouses have suggested their respective significant other is unbearable without their daily dose of exercise, but does scientific data support this? A study published in the July 2011 issue of Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, a prestigious academic journal devoted to […]

Research Summary – A Higher Protein Diet Can Help Improve Body Composition in Health

An ever-expanding waistline is a need for concern, not just because you may not like how you look in the mirror, but also because you become at a greater risk for having severe health issues.  Sure it may not seem like something you have to deal with fresh out of college or even in your […]

Day-to-Day Choices and Their Impact Over Time

A neat study was published in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine in June 2011 by researchers who are part of the Harvard School of Public Health. If you keep track of health and medicine, Harvard University glows with excellence compared to many other places. This study analyzed the food and activity habits of […]

Can Cutting Calories Make You Live Longer?

A number of studies over the last several years have reported this outcome. However, people must realize that a majority of the studies illustrating this outcome has been performed on non-human animals. Creatures like rats, mice, rabbits and monkeys were the lab “rats” in these studies. Research in humans is slightly more complicated. Imagine being […]

The Anatomy of Your Resistance Training Workout – Part 6

Welcome to the final article of a six part series that is focused upon the key variables one must consider when developing or modifying a resistance training program (Kerksick 2011; Spiering et al. 2008). The previous articles have outlined topics such as choice of exercise, order of exercise, intensity, fiber recruitment patterns and volume of […]

The Anatomy of Your Resistance Training Workout – Part 5

So we’re on to part five of the article series that is providing a more scientific breakdown and explanation of the variables that should be considered and how they should be considered when developing or modifying your resistance training program (Kerksick 2011; Spiering et al. 2008). The fifth consideration is a key variable that holds […]

The Anatomy of Your Resistance Training Workout – Part 3

Welcome to article three of a six part series breaking apart the details of a resistance training workout (Kerksick 2011; Spiering et al. 2008). My first articles focused upon two instrumental variables, choice of exercise and order of exercise, that operate effectively to ensure you are using ideal exercises to meet your goals and then […]

The Anatomy of Your Resistance Training Workout – Part 2

Welcome to installment number two of this six part series that will focus on the acute resistance training variables that are paramount to any resistance training workout (Kerksick 2011; Spiering et al. 2008). The first article highlighted the importance of exercise choice whereby this article will focus upon exercise order. Much like exercise choice, exercise […]

The Anatomy of Your Resistance Training Workout – Part 1

You lift weights right? Besides to look great in the mirror, feel better about yourself and to take care of your body, do you know why you are choosing the different aspects of your workout? This article is the first of a six part series covering a scientific and detailed discussion of key variables that […]

The Power of Resistance Exercise and Whey Protein!

You hear a lot about whey protein and for a person who has a particular interest in its effects on our muscle with and without exercise; I continue to be amazed with its power. Just for a quick review, resistance exercise increases growth of muscle proteins. No kidding, you don’t say? Without nutrients, the increase […]

What is the Beta-Alanine Itch?

As we’ve discussed previously, beta-alanine is a popular nutritional supplement that is used by bodybuilders and exercising athletes to help improve performance and enhance their ability to train. The end result of supplementation with beta-alanine is thought to be an increase in muscle carnosine levels as carnosine is known to be one of the primary […]

It Has to Be The Creatine…Really?

Recently, a great opportunity presented itself for me to “vent” regarding a scenario that presents itself in the media all too often. Around the third week of August, news reports out of Oregon told the story that thirteen high school football players were hospitalized for some form of muscle condition. While the cause of the […]

When I read about vitamins and minerals, I see reference to RDA, DRI, EAR, UL and AI. Which should I care about?

The Food and Nutrition Board along with the Institute of Medicine have worked together to provide reference tables for all micronutrients in our diet. What are micronutrients, you ask? It’s those nutrients that we need in our diet in small amounts, hence the name ‘micro’. If you still have no idea what I’m talking about […]

It’s hot out there…Be smart and use common sense

With a background in athletic training, I’ve seen my fair share of heat injuries and problems and I’m amazed at how many times people (athletes or not) get into trouble with the heat. Our bodies produce heat and lots of it when we exercise and when the temperatures outside are high, it becomes nearly impossible […]

Muscle Physiology and Strength Research 101

If I would like to understand more about muscle and how exercise training effects it, what are the key things I should understand? I guess you could call this Q/A a lecture titled “Muscle Physiology and Strength Research 101”. I must warn you that you are flirting with dangerous territory asking a muscle geek to […]

I just got back into training, and I’m amazed (No Depressed) at how sore I am. And I didn’t even think I was lifting that heavy! What happened and what can I do to prevent it?

Congrats for getting back into it. This is really a common occurrence, and unfortunately not a very clear cut answer. Studies have shown that strength is able to be sustained for quite some time after not training (1), but growth and endurance are lost more quickly. Unfortunately, I don’t have many magical things to say. […]

Focus On the Big Picture

My mom always told me that if you worry about the pennies the dollars will take care of themselves. This saying is true for financial conversations as well as exercise and nutrition. I’m amazed at how conversations related to exercise and nutrition are often dominated by details. When I try bringing the conversation back to […]

Is Current Regulation of Supplements Safe?

Every semester, groups of students in my class debate over this exact topic. I think it’s a relevant point and one that individuals who enjoy having the liberty of choosing several different types of products at reasonable prices should fight for and speak up about when needed. The sensationalist approach often used in the media […]

Where is the research that glutamine affects athletic performance?

Glutamine Overview/Background This question is not surprising as glutamine has been around for years now. In fact, I remember buying my first tub of glutamine powder back in 1997 when I was in college. I read all of the advertising and thought to myself, “I need some of that!” As your question states and related […]