
Protein for Athletes: How Much Do You Need?

As a former athlete, I get asked this question all the time: “How much protein does an athlete need?” This is something I wondered as well when I was growing up.

Unfortunately, I never got a straight answer. I didn’t even know the difference between a quality protein source, and a not-so-quality protein source. In fact, I'd just look at the labels and assume that the more protein it had, the better.

That’s probably what led me to eating a whole frozen pizza after every one of my workouts. I mean come on, the one I got had 70g of protein! I had to be doing good, right? Wrong.

So, how much protein does an athlete need? The answer [...]

How To Choose Protein Powder

Protein is an essential nutrient for supporting muscle recovery and growth. However, getting all the protein your body needs from food alone can be challenging.

This is why many people turn to protein powder. I certainly use it! After all, protein powder is a convenient tool to increse your protein intake, and help you reach your fitness goals.

But, with so many different kinds of protein powder on the market, choosing the right one can be tough. Each type of protein powder has different properties and benefits.

If you want to know how to choose the right protein powder for you … keep reading! In this article, I’ll walk you through the different types of protein powders out there. I’ll also cover what you need to consider when choosing the right protein powder for your goals.

How Much Protein Do You Need to Build Muscle?

We all know how important protein is for building muscle. After all, your muscles are made out of proteins! That’s why I’m sure you’re wondering how much protein you actually need to build new muscle.

I’ve been in your shoes before too. I used to think that the more protein I ate, the better. To a certain extent, this can be true … however, you can overdo it too!

Today, we’ll talk about everything protein: How much you need, how much your body can absorb, how much is too much, and even good protein sources to seek out.

That way, you’ll know everything you need to know when it [...]

Working Out Before Bed: Benefits and Drawbacks

Look, I get it. Life can get busy, and fitting a workout into your busy lifestyle can be hard. Sometimes that means we have to get a workout in late at night.

I’ve been there myself … it was getting close to 10, and I had to decide whether to workout or hop into my cozy bed.

A lot of us wonder if it’s too late. Some of us even wonder if working out at night can keep us up or not.

Maybe you really enjoy working out at night, and it's been your routine for some time now. That's awesome, and there is certainly nothing [...]

The Benefits of Whey Protein

Growing up, I always thought of whey protein as this huge jug of powder for bodybuilders like Arnold Schwarzenegger. I figured it was something they took to get as big as possible.

It seemed like all whey protein powders were promoted by bodybuilders and other big names in the fitness industry. So it only made sense that it was a product for bodybuilders, right?

Well, it turns out that whey protein isn’t just for bodybuilders and serious fitness junkies. Whey protein can be for anyone looking to get better results with their health or fitness goals.

Believe it or not, there are actually a ton of benefits to whey protein past just helping with muscle growth and repair. Stick around to find [...]

Is Whey Protein Good For Weight Loss?

There are more people now than ever trying to lose weight. I get it, weight loss may be simple, but certainly isn’t easy.

No matter what diet you follow, you have to burn more calories than you eat. There is no way around that. You could even try every diet on the internet, but if you burn less calories than you eat, you won’t lose body fat.

The reason it gets difficult to lose body fat is because your body will fight you every step of the way too.

When you’re eating in a calorie deficit, your body may increase hunger cravings to get you to eat more. It’s even possible your body sheds [...]

What to Eat Before and After a Workout For Weight Loss

Weight loss is hard, I get it. When I first started my fitness journey, I wanted to see results right away. However I could get to my end goal the fastest was what I wanted.

I searched far and wide online to find every secret I could to lose weight. I searched for the best foods to eat … the best workouts to do … the amount of sleep I needed … and way, way more.

One of the questions I really wanted to know was this: What should I eat before or after a workout to lose weight? I wondered, is there a benefit to eating before my workout? Is there a benefit to eating after my workout? What [...]

Does Protein Powder Make You Gain Weight?

Growing up as an athlete, I always heard that protein powder was the key to getting jacked. Because of that, I was always eager to get my hands on some.

Other times, I heard that protein powder will make you “bulky” … and it was said in a negative way.

Well, everyone has an opinion. However, what I’ve come to realize through years of research and experience is that neither is true.

A lot of people wonder: “Does protein powder make you gain weight?” Unfortunately, the answer isn’t as simple as a [...]

12 Benefits of Deadlifts

The deadlift is often referred to as the king of all exercises, and for good reason. Deadlifts are one of the biggest bang for the buck exercises in the books. They work your entire body, and you can load them super heavy!

As a result, they’re great for building strength, packing on muscle, and burning a lot of calories. In a way, they really are almost a one-stop-shop lift.

The deadlift isn’t just for bodybuilders and hardcore gym-goers either. Deadlifts are a great way to improve your posture, leg strength, and grip strength [...]

Greens for Weight Loss: Do They Help?

Losing weight… It’s a major concern for a lot of people. In fact, it’s the number-three most reported New Year’s resolution. The top-two resolutions are to exercise more and eat healthier.

Given that, I'd say there’s a good chance that the desire to lose weight is actually sitting at number one. However, losing weight isn’t always easy.

The equation for weight loss (Calories Eaten - Calories Burned) is pretty straightforward. Even with how simple it is, actually dropping those excess pounds can be a pretty tough mission.

Outside of diet and exercise, there are other factors that play a role in weight loss too. Lifestyle, habits, medical conditions, and [...]

Sheet Pan Tacos
This one-pan wonder is perfect to add to your arsenal for meal prep or a quick and simple dinner! Sheet pan dinners are easy to prepare and are full of nutrient-dense options. This fun twist on tacos is made with...
Full-Body Barbell Workout

There’s a reason barbell training is so popular these days. The barbell is a one-stop-shop for building muscle, boosting strength, and increasing athleticism.

It certainly won’t hurt your weight loss efforts either. In fact, you burn a ton of calories working out with barbells. So really, it’s only going to help in that regard.

You may wonder, “How can a barbell workout plan contribute to so many aspects of fitness?”

The truth is, it’s the versatility of the barbell that makes it so [...]

Shoulder Press: The Muscles Worked and Variations

Everybody wants a pair of strong and healthy shoulders! They are the cherry on top of the sundae when it comes to your physique.

For the guys, It can really help with filling out your shirts. For the gals, having strong shoulders can make your waist look far smaller in comparison.

So, it makes sense why you're looking for an exercise to strengthen your shoulders.

I know when I first started, I would mimic what I saw in the [...]

Is Whey Protein Dairy and Lactose-Free?

Whey protein is all the hype these days, and for good reason. There are a lot of benefits to whey protein, and it can be super helpful if you're looking to lose weight or build muscle.

Still, if you've never had a whey protein before, it’s understandable if you are hesitant to try it. Many people wonder, “is whey protein dairy-free or lactose-free?” Or, “will whey protein upset my stomach?”

These are both good questions to ask, especially if you have a dairy or lactose sensitivity/allergy. The answer is a little more complex than a yes or no. Whey is derived from milk, but not all whey protein powders have lactose.

To understand this better, first, we need to dive into [...]

What is Rucking?

My first experience with rucking was a bit unique. A few years ago, I received a text message that simply had a date (That was about 2 weeks away) and the question “Are you in?” Well … it may not have been the smartest decision, but there are certain people in my life I will always show up for.

“Let's do it,” I said. Well, those 3 words committed me to an excruciating 26.6 mile Ruck with a dry pack weight of 45lbs. However, ever since that experience, I’ve been hooked.

In recent years rucking has taken the fitness world by storm. That's for good reason, too! Rucking has a low barrier to entry, you can ruck anytime, anywhere, and there are a ton [...]

High-Protein Fruit Pizza
Looking for a colorful dessert that will curb your sweet cravings and help you hit your protein goal? You've come to the right place! We gave the usual fruit pizza recipe a makeover and added our own high-protein twist. The...
Chest and Back Workout with Dumbbells

Building upper body strength is one of the best things you can do to take your fitness to the next level. It can also help improve the quality of your life in general.

We use our chest and back muscles all the time. We use them when we’re carrying dirty laundry, taking the garbage out, pushing a shopping cart, and in many other situations too!

Being strong can also help lower your risk of injury (1), and improve your athletic performance (2). Plus, if you’re looking to bulk up, you won’t come close to reaching your potential by skipping these muscles.

Heck, the extra strength will benefit your other [...]

How To Do The Reverse Crunch

So you want to learn more about reverse crunches? Well, I'm a firm believer that it's never too early or too late to prepare for swimsuit season ... and reverse crunches are a great way to do it.

Not only can they help you get a defined core, but they also help with core strength. This can be important for other exercises, daily movements, and so much more.

After all, a strong core can improve posture and mobility in your everyday life. That goes far past just having abs on the beach during the warmer months.

So let's talk about reverse crunches, how to do them, and [...]

Greens Powders Vs. Multivitamins: Should You Take Both?

Let’s be honest … I think it’s fair to say we all need to be eating more fruits and vegetables. That, or we need to supplement the nutrients we’re missing out on.

According to the CDC, only 9% of adults met the recommended intake of veggies, and 12% for fruits in 2015 (1). Those recommended amounts are 1.5-2 cups of fruit and 2-3 cups of veggies per day.

That’s a staggering statistic if you ask me, but it gets worse. Even for the people who are getting the right amount of fruits and veggies, they may be eating the same ones (2).

The problem is, if you always eat the same foods, you only [...]

Triple Chocolate Protein Ice Cream

I scream ... you scream ... we all scream for protein ice cream! No, seriously. This triple chocolate protein ice cream is to die for.

For a recipe that is sweet, quick, high-protein, and delicious ... you'll keep coming back for [...]

Whey Protein Vs. Plant-Based Protein: Making The Best Choice

Regardless of what your health or fitness goal may be, protein plays a huge role in the results you see.

When it comes to building muscle, protein is a must! This is because protein (the right kind and the right amount) helps with new muscle growth. Your muscles are actually made up of proteins called actin and myosin!

When it comes to losing body fat, protein is important as well. Not only does it help your body preserve lean muscle so you can burn more calories at rest ... but, eating protein can help with feelings of satiety and increased [...]