
Healthy Turkey Spring Rolls

There is nothing quite as fun to make and enjoy other than homemade spring rolls.

This recipe is one you'll reach for time and time again with an amazing 18g of protein per serving, and only 187 calories!

You can also mix up the recipe by adding more veggies, mushrooms, or swapping the turkey for chicken or shrimp.

Enjoy, and let me know what you think! I have [...]

High-Protein Pork Pot Roast

With only 4 ingredients and minimal prep time, this pork roast is awesome! Not only is it great for meal prep, but it can also be a healthy, high-protein dish for the whole family.

You can also do so many different things with it. You can pair it with potatoes and carrots ... or you can shred it up for tacos, quesadillas, or nachos!

For the seasoning, I'm a huge fan of a garlic and herb. But, you can also switch it up to whatever you prefer!

Give this a try, and I know it [...]

5 Effective Cable Exercises For Bigger Triceps

If you’re looking for new exercises to take your tricep training to the next level, you’re in the right place!

Your triceps make up two thirds of each arm. Your biceps make up the other third for the most part.

If you want bigger arms, don’t just focus on doing curls every time you’re in the gym. You still should train your biceps, but your triceps are actually the bigger muscle group.

There are a lot of different ways to train your [...]

The Benefits of Training With Resistance Bands

With all the different equipment that’s available to us … It can be hard to know exactly what to use in the gym. The good news is, you can see great results as long as you are consistent.

That means, whether you use dumbbells, barbells, or machines, you can see results. The same can be said about resistance bands as well.

In fact, if you’re looking to switch up your routine and exercises, adding resistance bands can be a great way to do it. There are also a ton of potential benefits that come with resistance band workouts.

Resistance bands can be helpful for building strength, rehabilitation [...]

The Benefits of Fish Oil

Fish oil: It's a supplement I'm sure you've heard plenty about. If you haven’t heard of fish oil before, I'd be surprised! When it comes to supplements, it's among the most popular.

Either way, I'm sure you came to find out about the benefits of fish oil and whether you should take it or not.

Well, fish oil can definitely be beneficial. In my opinion, it's something that I believe close to everyone should be taking. Most people know that fish oil is probably something they should supplement with as well.

What most people may not know is just how [...]

Is It Okay To Work Out Before Bed?

Sleep and exercise go hand in hand when it comes to leading a healthy lifestyle. This is something we all know very well.

Ironically enough, regular exercise can have a positive impact on sleep too.

When you exercise, your body releases endorphins. These endorphins are like natural mood boosters that can promote relaxation. Plus, they can work wonders in calming your mind and preparing it for restful sleep.

By channeling your energy into physical exertion, you can [...]

Cookies & Cream Protein Bites

We all get a sweet tooth from time to time. Trust me, it's one of my biggest weaknesses.

Sometimes, all I need is a small bit of something to kick my cravings though. That's when I came up with the idea for some protein-packed bites to keep me tied over.

These cookies & cream protein bites make for a great on-the-go snack, or guilt-free way to get rid of your sweet tooth.

Plus, they are super quick and easy to make for [...]

High-Protein Turkey Nachos

Maybe you're entertaining some guests...

Maybe you have some picky eaters who like unhealthy foods like donuts and pizza...

Maybe you want a recipe that feels like a cheat meal, but really isn't...

Whatever your reason is, these high-protein turkey nachos will certainly do the trick! Nachos have been an obsession of mine [...]

Cookies & Cream Protein Mug Cake

Most of us love cake. I know I definitely do! What I don't love is all the sugar, fat, and calories that come in cake.

That's why I'm a huge fan of protein powder mug cakes! You can take your favorite flavor of protein, a few other ingredients, and have your own high-protein cake in minutes.

One of my absolute favorite mug cake recipes right now is cookies and cream. It really hits the spot when you are in need of something sweet!

Also, you can experiment with slight [...]

The Best High-Carb Low-Fat Foods

I am sure that you have heard at least one negative thing about carbs. I know I have.

“Carbs make you fat.”

“If you want to lose weight, you have to cut carbs.”

False and false. Even though carbs are often framed as the enemy, that is NOT the truth.

While there are high-carb foods that aren’t good for you, there are [...]

High-Protein Breakfast Casserole

Looking for a high-protein recipe for the family or meal prep? This breakfast casserole has been a staple of mine for quite some time now.

You'll get 25g of protein per serving and can store it in the fridge for breakfast all week long! Plus, it's a super easy recipe to master, and easy to make in just 40 minutes tops!

You can also switch out the veggies, cheese, and meat you use any time you want for some variety.

Give it a try and let me know [...]

Multivitamins For Women: What to Look For

Multivitamins are one of those things that we all hear we should be taking, but often forget about.

Growing up, I did a very poor job of giving my body the vitamins and minerals it needed. But, as I became more and more interested in my health and nutrition ... I quickly found out that these vitamins and minerals are essential.

When I say essential, I mean it too! Multivitamins are supplements that contain a wide variety of vitamins and minerals that your body needs to function at its best. As soon as I became consistent with taking my multivitamin, I noticed a big difference.

In fact, If I forget to take my multivitamin for the day, I can [...]

Dr. Chad Kerksick: Should You Lose Weight Before Building Muscle?

This question gets posed quite a bit as it is commonly discussed and thought that you can’t gain muscle and lose fat at the same time.

Much of this thought likely comes from the bodybuilding world where these individuals would go through a “bulk” phase where they trained with high volumes and ramped up their calorie intake to help lay down as much mass (both muscle and fat) as possible. Depending on the bodybuilder and their preferences, a healthy dose of pharmaceutical assistance was likely provided as well.

You can also see this mindset come to life with certain types of athletes or sports where more size may be beneficial for performance [...]

Protein Chocolate Chip Cookies

Nothing is quite as irresistible as a fresh chocolate chip cookie. I'd say it's the staple American dessert.

The obvious issue is, if you're working towards accomplishing a specific health or fitness goal ... cookies are a terrible choice when it comes to your nutrition.

Now, I'm not saying that a little treat every now and then is going to complete derail your healthy eating efforts or goals. But you definitely [...]

The Ultimate Guide to Hydration and Recovery

Most people know that water is extremely important to their health. I’d be willing to bet they also know that hydration is crucial when exercising too. Your body is, after all, about 60% water (1).

Drinking water around your workouts can help regulate body temperature, deliver nutrients and oxygen to your cells, and supports waste removal. Plus, if you’re working out in the heat, it might just save you from passing out!

But too often, people forget about the valuable role hydration plays in recovery.

So let’s dive into the benefits of hydration and how it affects [...]

Which is Better: Whey Protein or Casein?

If you go to the gym regularly, you’ve definitely seen protein powder before. Heck, you may even use one right now.

After all, protein powders can be great for post-workout recovery and increasing overall protein intake. But, with as many different types of protein that are out there, it can be hard to know which to take. On top of that, not all protein powders are created equal.

The truth is, some protein powders can be more helpful than others. Plus, some protein powders can be more ideal for specific use cases.

That’s definitely the case for the two types of proteins I’m going to talk about today: Whey Protein and Casein. Believe it or not, both [...]

Mass Gainers: What Are They, and Are They Worth It?

If you’re trying to build muscle, you’ve come to the right place! There are a lot of strategies and tools that can help, one of those being mass gainers.

But, what exactly are mass gainers, and are they worth it? The simple answer is, it depends.

Let's take a deep dive into mass gainers so you know whether they'll be a good tool to help you reach your goals or not.

We’ll start by answering the question [...]

Whey Protein: Should You Use It?

We all hear about 1,000 different things that can help when it comes to our health and fitness goals. For this reason, it can be really hard to know what's out there that can help the most.

Whether you're trying to gain muscle, lose weight, or even improve your quality of life ... Using the right tools can play a big role in helping you reach your goal. What's even more important is making sure your body is getting the right nutrients.

Now, while all nutrients can be important ... I would argue that for any fitness-specific goal, protein is the most important. This can even be [...]

The Best Healthier Crunchy Snack Alternatives

Growing up, I was always going to the cupboard and grabbing the easiest snacks. For me, it was chips, sugary cereals, and lots of cookies! I couldn’t stop eating those darn things.

Now as an adult, I still get a lot of these same cravings, but I’ve learned to deal with them so that I can stay on track with my fitness goals. Because when you’re dieting, all sorts of cravings can kick in! What do you crave? Is it something sweet, salty, or maybe you’re looking for something crunchy?

The good news is, you don’t have to cut out all the foods you like to reach your goals. You just need to find healthier alternatives.

This will be different for every person of course, but today [...]

Best Protein Powder For Runners

There are a lot of runners out there with the drive to be the best.

They train hard, they compete, and they take their hydration very seriously.

That's why electrolyte & hydration supplements are so common among runners.

To be fair, they are very important ... but they aren’t the only supplements runners need to perform at their best.

Where many runners go wrong [...]

How to Choose the Right Plant-Based Protein Powder

Protein is a hot topic today, and for good reason. As health & fitness become bigger priorities in our lives, protein naturally gets talked about more and more.

Protein is important for the repair and growth of muscle tissue, but it goes so much deeper than that! Almost everything in your body is made from different types of proteins. [...]