
Dr. Chad Kerksick: Should You Lose Weight Before Building Muscle?

This question gets posed quite a bit as it is commonly discussed and thought that you can’t gain muscle and lose fat at the same time.

Much of this thought likely comes from the bodybuilding world where these individuals would go through a “bulk” phase where they trained with high volumes and ramped up their calorie intake to help lay down as much mass (both muscle and fat) as possible. Depending on the bodybuilder and their preferences, a healthy dose of pharmaceutical assistance was likely provided as well.

You can also see this mindset come to life with certain types of athletes or sports where more size may be beneficial for performance [...]

Protein Chocolate Chip Cookies

Nothing is quite as irresistible as a fresh chocolate chip cookie. I'd say it's the staple American dessert.

The obvious issue is, if you're working towards accomplishing a specific health or fitness goal ... cookies are a terrible choice when it comes to your nutrition.

Now, I'm not saying that a little treat every now and then is going to complete derail your healthy eating efforts or goals. But you definitely [...]

The Ultimate Guide to Hydration and Recovery

Most people know that water is extremely important to their health. I’d be willing to bet they also know that hydration is crucial when exercising too. Your body is, after all, about 60% water (1).

Drinking water around your workouts can help regulate body temperature, deliver nutrients and oxygen to your cells, and supports waste removal. Plus, if you’re working out in the heat, it might just save you from passing out!

But too often, people forget about the valuable role hydration plays in recovery.

So let’s dive into the benefits of hydration and how it affects [...]

Which is Better: Whey Protein or Casein?

If you go to the gym regularly, you’ve definitely seen protein powder before. Heck, you may even use one right now.

After all, protein powders can be great for post-workout recovery and increasing overall protein intake. But, with as many different types of protein that are out there, it can be hard to know which to take. On top of that, not all protein powders are created equal.

The truth is, some protein powders can be more helpful than others. Plus, some protein powders can be more ideal for specific use cases.

That’s definitely the case for the two types of proteins I’m going to talk about today: Whey Protein and Casein. Believe it or not, both [...]

Mass Gainers: What Are They, and Are They Worth It?

If you’re trying to build muscle, you’ve come to the right place! There are a lot of strategies and tools that can help, one of those being mass gainers.

But, what exactly are mass gainers, and are they worth it? The simple answer is, it depends.

Let's take a deep dive into mass gainers so you know whether they'll be a good tool to help you reach your goals or not.

We’ll start by answering the question [...]

Whey Protein: Should You Use It?

We all hear about 1,000 different things that can help when it comes to our health and fitness goals. For this reason, it can be really hard to know what's out there that can help the most.

Whether you're trying to gain muscle, lose weight, or even improve your quality of life ... Using the right tools can play a big role in helping you reach your goal. What's even more important is making sure your body is getting the right nutrients.

Now, while all nutrients can be important ... I would argue that for any fitness-specific goal, protein is the most important. This can even be [...]

The Best Healthier Crunchy Snack Alternatives

Growing up, I was always going to the cupboard and grabbing the easiest snacks. For me, it was chips, sugary cereals, and lots of cookies! I couldn’t stop eating those darn things.

Now as an adult, I still get a lot of these same cravings, but I’ve learned to deal with them so that I can stay on track with my fitness goals. Because when you’re dieting, all sorts of cravings can kick in! What do you crave? Is it something sweet, salty, or maybe you’re looking for something crunchy?

The good news is, you don’t have to cut out all the foods you like to reach your goals. You just need to find healthier alternatives.

This will be different for every person of course, but today [...]

Best Protein Powder For Runners

There are a lot of runners out there with the drive to be the best.

They train hard, they compete, and they take their hydration very seriously.

That's why electrolyte & hydration supplements are so common among runners.

To be fair, they are very important ... but they aren’t the only supplements runners need to perform at their best.

Where many runners go wrong [...]

How to Choose the Right Plant-Based Protein Powder

Protein is a hot topic today, and for good reason. As health & fitness become bigger priorities in our lives, protein naturally gets talked about more and more.

Protein is important for the repair and growth of muscle tissue, but it goes so much deeper than that! Almost everything in your body is made from different types of proteins. [...]

Arnold Press: Muscles Worked & Benefits

If you want to build muscle in your shoulders, you’ve come to the right place. Today, we’re talking about one of the best shoulder exercises there is: The Arnold Press.

The Arnold press is a great exercise that was named after and made popular by the most iconic bodybuilder ever. If you didn’t already guess who it is, it's Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Back in his bodybuilding days, Arnold was determined to be the best. He did what he needed to do in order to get the upper hand on his opponents. One way he did this was by inventing his own exercise that nobody else knew.

It also happened to be one of the most effective exercises to [...]

What is a Cutting Diet?

Looking to completely transform your body?

Well, you aren’t alone. Pretty much everyone nowadays is, and it’s not a bad thing. Being lean is a sign of good health, and is a common goal amongst mostly everyone.

That’s one reason why cutting diets are so popular.

But, what exactly is a cutting diet? Also, how can a cutting [...]

How to Properly Perform Box Squats

Variety in your workout routine can always be a good thing. Plus, it can be nice to switch things up and get out of the same old routine.

No matter what your goal is, changing up your training routine every 1-2 months can be beneficial to keep you progressing.

On top of that, doing the same exercises over and over again can get pretty boring. Let’s use your leg workouts as an example.

For the most part, most leg days include exercises like squats, lunges, and even deadlifts. However, there are many more exercises [...]

BCAAs vs Creatine: Which is Better?

When it comes to sports supplements, two that you'll often hear about are BCAAs and creatine. There's plenty of research on them, and they can both help you reach your goals.

It’s no wonder why so many people are looking into them. Both BCAAs and creatine can be helpful for building muscle, improving performance, and more.

But what makes each one worthwhile, and which is better? That’s exactly what we’ll talk about today.

The truth is ... the answer may be quite [...]

Front Dumbbell Raises: Sculpt Your Shoulders

I don’t know a single person who doesn’t want sculpted, well-defined shoulders. After all, it is a very appealing look.

As you probably already know, there are a lot of exercises that can help build your shoulder muscles.

However, one of my personal favorites is front dumbbell raises. They target your front deltoids and can be great for shaping your shoulders.

It's also a popular exercise amongst most weightlifters and even [...]

Can You Take Pre-Workout on an Empty Stomach?

As humans, we're always looking for a new or better way to gain a slight edge and improve. When it comes to making sure you get the best workout, it’s no different.

In fact, pre-workouts were invented in 1982 for this reason: to take our workout performance to the next level. While it depends on which one you take, pre-workouts can help quite a bit!

Now, pre-workouts today are much more effective than they once were. Even so, to take it to the next level, people have found ways to make them feel the effects faster and stronger.

By this I mean many people have opted-in to taking their pre-workout on an empty stomach. This leaves many people wondering [...]

Landmine Squats: Everything You Need to Know

Doing the same old barbell back squats over and over again can get boring. Plus, if follow the same workout routine week after week and become stagnant … so can your progress!

If this is you, I have a solution for you. If you just want to switch things up on your leg days, I have a solution for you too. What’s the solution you ask? Landmine squats!

Not only will landmine squats challenge your strength, but they will also train your coordination and stability.

Landmine squats are a great exercise for anyone looking to build [...]

The Hex Press: What is It and How To Do It

At some point, every one of us feels the need to switch up our workout routine. If you’re anything like me, I tend to get bored of the same workouts pretty quickly.

I actually change up my program every 1-2 months just to keep myself engaged.

This is especially true when it comes to my chest workouts. Do you feel the same way?

When it comes to chest exercises … we all know the typical bench press, dips, chest presses, and flys. Outside of that though, it [...]

The Benefits of Shoulder Shrugs

Whether you are looking to build big traps or fix your posture, shrugs can help! I know for me (someone who sits at a desk all day) … shrugs are an essential part of my routine.

They’re also a super easy exercise that virtually anyone can do. It’s great for those who work desk jobs or spend a good portion of their day hunched over like me. Nowadays, there aren’t many of us who don’t!

However, this poor posture can lead to muscle imbalances in your upper body which could lead to upper-crossed syndrome. This is when the muscles of your shoulders are pulled forward in an unnatural way.

There are a lot of different corrective exercises you can do to avoid [...]

Squat Alternatives For Your Lower Body

Everyone knows if you want big legs, squats are going to help. It’s a heavy and difficult exercise that targets your quads, hamstrings, and glutes very well. You’ll even get your back, core, and several other muscles engaged as well.

Squats are also a very functional exercise. Most of us sit down and stand up every single day. Heck, some of us even have to squat down to pick things up off the ground often as well.

Squatting can help with your daily movement as a whole while helping you build plenty of muscle in your lower body.

However, squats aren’t for everyone out there. For some people, loading up a bunch of weight on their back may not be the best idea. I know it [...]

Creatine vs Whey Protein: Which is Better for Building Muscle?

Creatine and whey protein have both been continuing to grow in popularity over the past decade. For the most part, these products are both marketed as great ways to build muscle and improve your performance.

But, the question remains: Which is better for building muscle … whey protein or creatine? A lot of people also wonder which one is worth taking over the other.

The truth is, both products are great tools you can utilize to build muscle. In my personal opinion, you should be taking both!

However, which one you prioritize over the other will really [...]

Peppermint Protein Cookies

Nothing screams Christmas or the holidays more than peppermint flavored everything! Or at least ... I like to think so.

I'm a huge peppermint gal, and because of that, I decided to put together a delicious, high-protein peppermint cookie recipe. That way, you and the rest of the family have a sweet treat for the holiday season that won't [...]