
Should You Drink a Protein Shake Before or After a Workout?

Everyone understands that protein is important for working out.

But do you know when the best time to take protein is?

Should you drink a protein shake before or after a workout?

In this article, we’ll give a brief introduction to protein, the types of protein that are available, and the different ways that you can take [...]

When To Take BCAAs

BCAAs are a popular kind of workout supplement.

But why?

In this article, we’ll explain what BCAAs are as well as why BCAAs are so beneficial. We’ll also explain when to take BCAAs and what makes some BCAA supplements better than [...]

Should I Take Creatine Before or After a Workout

If you’re new to the world of sports, and weightlifting, you may have never heard of creatine before. If you’re a veteran weight lifter, you probably know that creatine helps improve your gains, but might not quite understand how or why it’s so popular. You may even wonder, “Should I take creatine before or after a workout?” 

In this article, we’ll study what creatine does, when to take creatine and [...]

German Chocolate Cookies

I'm a huge fan of rich, chocolatey desserts. Aren't we all?

One of my favorites is German chocolate. Now, I'm not talking about the cake ... but I just love that chocolate coconut flavor.

That's why the minute I found this recipe for German chocolate cookies, I was excited to try it! Now, are these cookies necessarily the best for [...]

Protein 101: Why It Matters

Here is a scenario I know you will relate to…

It’s 3:00 P.M. … you haven’t eaten since noon. You are starting to get hungry… tired… still have 2 more hours of work… and on the verge of being hangry! Sound familiar?

Shoot, I am like the guys from the Snickers commercial, not myself when I am hungry.

Not only can going long periods without food affect [...]

Supplement 101: Your Basic Foundation

It only makes sense to start with your foundation. It wouldn’t make sense to start putting up the walls of the house before setting that foundation would it? Of course not, if you do that the house wouldn’t be too strong would it? Unfortunately, that is where many supplement companies would make you think you […]

Are You a Hardgainer? Read THIS!

Gaining muscle can be hard work even for the best of us, and if you are a hardgainer, it can seem like gaining muscle is pretty much impossible. There are a variety of things that will help you on your journey to achieving your ideal physique, and we would like to help you to get […]

Eating Frequently – The Benefits You Don’t Know About

It's commonly thought that eating more frequently helps burn fat and overall weight. But does it? While it does have health benefits, Dr. Chad Kerksick explains that they may not be what you think!

What is the GOMAD Diet and Does it Work?

Are you curious about the GOMAD diet? Are you looking for a safe, effective way to pack on the pounds? Are you wondering if the GOMAD diet really works? The GOMAD diet has long been touted as an affordable, natural plan for anyone who wants to gain weight quickly. It’s a popular topic on bodybuilding […]

Alcohol and Muscle Growth: What You Need to Know

Many fitness enthusiasts wonder: will drinking alcohol affect muscle growth?

It’s quite a common question, and the answer may surprise you. It sure surprised me!

The simple answer is yes, alcohol CAN affect muscle growth.

The complicated answer is yes, but it depends on how much alcohol [...]

How Many Meals Should I Eat A Day To Build Muscle?

If your goal is to gain muscle, eating meals every 2-3 hours while you are awake is extremely critical to your muscle gaining efforts. If you don’t do it, you are missing out on a TON of potential growth opportunity. You might have even heard that before … but do you know why it is […]

Accept Responsibility!

I’ve been heavily involved in a world related to exercise, fitness, health, nutrition, etc. for close to 15 years now. Easily one of the biggest beefs I have with people or things that will make me roll my eyes are the excuses and lack of responsibility for their health. Everyone has 24 hours in their […]

How Much Weight Can I Lose In A Month?

Ah, the famous question! This is a question that unfortunately there is no exact answer. The good news is that the TransPHORMation Challenge is not a 30 day … 21 day … or 6-week challenge. It goes on all year so don’t have to crash diet for a month. Instead, you can adjust your habits, make […]

Stimulate Don’t Annihilate

The scientific basis of resistance training and muscle growth (hypertrophy) is fairly straightforward and based on a few key principles: the overload principle, the progression principle and the specificity principle. All principles collectively should be the cornerstone of any exercise program. The overload principle states that you must ‘overload’ your body with some level of […]

Vanilla Almond Protein Bars

These Vanilla Almond Protein Bars come from Emily Frisella of Fit Home & Health! They are among one of the best solutions for a quick snack or dessert.

Crumbly at the bite, they will make your mouth water for their sweet and crunchy flavor.

One ingredient that makes this almond bar recipe stand out from normal almond bars is a scoop of 1st Phorm Level-1 Vanilla Ice Cream powder. The level-1 along with the peanut butter [...]

Chocolate Strawberry Protein Shake Recipe

Nothing hits the spot quite like a milkshake, right?

The problem is, most milkshakes are stuffed with ice cream, sugars, and empty calories. So it's hard to enjoy a delicious milkshake and not have to worry about its impact on your health.

This chocolate strawberry protein milkshake is made from protein powder so you can get the nutrients your body needs with the same delicious chocolate [...]

Eating Healthy is NOT That Hard

A few of the most common objections to why someones nutrition is terrible are as follows … Eating healthy gets to be boring, nothing healthy tastes very good, or I would eat healthy but I don’t have time to cook … Well, I am here to show you that those three excuses are not valid. […]

Cranberry Oat Bars Recipe

Oat bars are a great source of carbs and energy throughout the day. By adding oats, sunflower seeds, cranberries, and protein powder, they can be filling and well rounded as well. With the mix of sweet and salty [...]

Healthy Protein Bundt Cake Recipe

No matter the occasion, a cake is the best way to celebrate, and you can’t go wrong with a bundt cake.

They’re beautiful, they’re big, and they are super simple to make. They’re also easy to customize to your favorite flavors.

Our healthy bundt cake recipe means that you don’t have to give up your favorite dessert to stay on track with your health goals. With the addition of protein powder, it can actually help [...]

Pumpkin Ice Cream Recipe

The pumpkin craze is strong this year … and Emily from Fit Home & Health provided us with yet another awesome recipe! Your fall is not complete until you try this Pumpkin Ice Cream Recipe using Phormula-1 CTC.

The winning factor for this pumpkin ice cream recipe is that it is much higher in protein, but still sweet to eat. This ice cream is also great if you are trying to avoid heavy dairy or cream products.

The base of the pumpkin ice cream recipe is mashed bananas with the pumpkin puree and 1st Phorm Phormula-1 CTC protein powder. This adds to the texture and natural taste of the ice cream. Adding maple syrup to the blend [...]

German Chocolate Granola Bars

Looking for incredible and high-protein chocolate granola bars? This recipe is for you. It’s simple yet delicious.