
Creatine Supplementation and Managing Damage

We all know the sweet sting of muscle soreness that follows an intense workout. But the muscle damage and recovery are a natural part of exercise, but how can you lessen the soreness and lack of range of motion? Dr Chad Kerksick discusses the impressive numbers found by a new study that looks at how creatine can influence the body in this recovery period.

Eccentric Contractions and Activation of Recovery

You may have never heard of the eccentric and concentric phases of exercise, but chances are you may already be doing them. But,which is better when it comes to your goals, results in more muscle activation or recovery, and what types of exercise use these? Dr Chad Kerksick explains and goes through recent research that shows which is better at generating strength and power.

Leucine is Important, but How Much?

When doing your best you also want to know you're getting the best. Leucine is an essential amino acid that scientists are researching to find the impact it has on protein metabolism. How much you take in and your age can make a difference. Read this article by Dr Chad Kerksick to make sure you're getting the right amount that your body needs!

The Best Advice Are Things You Will Do : Part 1, Exercise

We all know the saying 'Just Do It'... but there is more insight in these 3 words than most. Dr Chad Kerksick looks at breaking down a goal by starting with the basics... meaning just do something... anything! Read his suggestions for getting started and creating a new habit!

Using Kettlebells as an Alternate Means to Improve Strength and Power

Tired of the same old workout, or frustrated with the 'New Years' crowd that packs all the equipment you like to use? Ever tried Kettlebells? This study, interpreted by Dr Chad Kerksick, looks at the effectiveness of Kettlebells and if you really can get the same results as traditional power and strength training.

Studies Pour In Examining Beta-Alanine

Beta-Alanine has recently become a buzz word in the supplement world. More studies are being done and the effects on the human body are being explored. But the question is what does Beta-Alanine really do and are you using it in the right physical exercise situations?

When in Doubt, Just Reach for Whey Protein Isolate

We've all found ourselves with a few extra hours between meals and no protein shake around. So what do you do? Dr. Chad Kerksick deciphers some studies that look at the differences (and similarities) on the body when ingesting different ratios of whey protein isolates, leucine and essential amino acids in case certain items are more available to you then others at the time. You'd be surprised what was found! But our favorite will always be to remember your shaker cup of Level-1 or Phormula-1!

Nutrient Timing and Delivering Nutrients During Your Workout

While much research and time has been devoted to post-workout nutrition research, studies of intake before and during resistance training aren't as common. Dr. Chad Kerksick looks at the importance of what you're taking and when to maximize your results.

Answering “What” and “When” to Maximize Your Workouts

Thanks to advancements in science, long gone are the days of choking down raw eggs in order to see muscle growth and results. But today when it comes to what you are taking pre, during and post-workout, how do you know that what you're ingesting is right... at the right time? In this blog, Dr Chad Kerksick uses scientific studies to help answer this very question.

Pumpkin Pie Level-1 Protein ‘Bread’

It's that time of year when the smell of baked goods fills the air! Don't get caught with a sugary, unhealthy treat, use this delicious recipe by Gillian Risebury for Level-1 Pumpkin Pie Protein Bread.

Making Cardio Enjoyable

Cardio, enjoyable? May seem like a typo to many of you, but Dr Chad Kerksick discusses a recent study that has shown implementing a new style of cardio can actually make it more enjoyable. Fun to run? Maybe not always... but this new cardio workout will certainly make it better!

My local gym can measure my metabolism. Why is this important? What does it mean?

You hear the word 'Metabolism' a lot, but what does it really mean and how do you measure your own? A great indicator, whether your dieting or not, Dr. Chad Kerksick examines an easy way of measuring metabolism at your local gym.

Importance of Resistance Training Intensity and Key Intramuscular Changes

Resistance training is key to building muscle and strength, but varying your intensity & repetition can lead to different outcomes. In this article by Dr. Chad Kerksick, learn to calculate your ideal weight and reps to reach your desired muscular changes and goals.

Is Soy Protein Better For Women?

Soy versus milk protein? It depends on what you're end goal is. Both have overall health benefits, but when combined with exercise and resistance training they can deliver different outcomes. Read Dr. Chad Kerksick's review of each to see which one is best for you!

What Are The Best Supplements For a Strength and Power Athlete? Part 2

Dr Chad Kerksick looks at the different types of Whey Protein, what they are comprised of, and how studies have shown that use of whey protein can increase strength and lean mass in athletes as well as aid in body composition and fat loss.

Maximize Your Force and Power by Manipulating the Rest Between Reps

We've all heard of resting between sets, but have you ever tried resting between reps? Dr. Chad Kerksick looks at the use of short rest periods between reps and the effects on overall strength and power.

The Foundation of a Thermogenic: Green Tea

Have you looked at the calendar?  Has it hit you that you have around ten weeks before the month of June and the official start of summer?  Yeah, that is correct; it is time to get serious.  Before you know it, it will be time for you to look your best.  No shirts and shorts […]

Using Melatonin and Valerian to Help Get Some Shut Eye

Having trouble getting to sleep or problems staying asleep? Dr. Chad Kerksick looks at 2 well documented ingredients, melatonin & valerian, that promote restful sleep.

What Are Typical Testosterone Changes that Occur When I Lift Weights?

Dr Chad Kerksick looks at the body's testosterone release in regards to the type of exercise being done, the amount of muscle recruited, intensity and how it all relates to muscle growth.

A Moment on the Lips, A Lifetime of Problems

Dr. Chad Kerksick of 1st Phorm looks at how overeating for only a 2 months can cause long term effects not only on your weight but fat percentages and muscle cell functions.

Creatine and Beta-Alanine

You've probably heard of creatine - a common workout supplement - and it's possible you've heard of beta-alanine as well.

However, have you ever thought of what they could do together? In this article, we'll look at the history of using creatine, and the research behind pairing [...]